Calling Volunteer Tax Preparers

Each year Home Start organizes a large group of volunteers to participate in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program for San Diego County residents. 

VITA is a service initiated by the IRS and managed locally in order to assist low-to-moderate income families and operates throughout the country with free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals. 

Home Start is currently seeking volunteers to help taxpayers correctly file their 2020 tax returns. This work is especially important with the many unforeseen changes in income this year.

To best align with current public safety recommendations, Home Start has modified our VITA Program for the health and safety of volunteers and taxpayers alike. Clients are able to schedule appointments to virtuallymeet one-on-one with Volunteer Tax Preparers via phone or video call to prepare and file taxes.

In addition to our traditional in-person shifts at the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation, which remains an option for both clients and volunteers, Tax Preparers are able to volunteer remotely, using their own devices, in line with their own schedule. Volunteer shifts are available seven days a week for each week of the 12-week program between January and April 2021.

Full online IRS certification training is made available for volunteers as well as optional in-person training for additional guidance and support. 

More detailed information regarding the training process and requirements are included in the PDFs below along with the application. 

For specific questions or information, please email 

Thank you!