Joey is a single dad of two daughters Lucy age 5 and Giselle age 8 who was referred to Home Start’s In-home Parenting Classes by San Diego County. When starting services back in April, he quickly made the decision to leave his old habits and change for the better so that he could be reunified with his two girls.
Joey has been an active participant in the parenting classes ever since and has been consistent in services. His communication has always been on point. When Joey first started working with Home Start, he was unemployed, was couch-surfing with family, and only had supervised visits with his daughters.
Today, Joey has a full-time job, is closing on his own place with the help of the county, and has been granted over-night visits with his girls. Our staff have watched him turn his life around, and he has been a great example for other parents we work with. He is constantly looking for ways to improve his career by staying longer hours if needed, and he recently decided to get his license to help with a promotion at work.
Lastly, Joey and his daughters are participating in Home Start’ Befriend a Family Program this year which will help Joey to stay on track with his finances. He has worked out a budget to pay for other services for his children and he has been helping the girls’ caregiver by purchasing food and items she recommends. In addition, Joey now takes care of his grandmother. This hard-working young dad is excited to be spending the first holiday season with his girls since a few years ago.
Give a Gift Today
Your gift to Home Start’s Year-End 2024 Campaign, now through December 31st, will provide vital resources in the new year to local families needing a hand-up to recover from homelessness, hunger, abuse, unemployment, and other crises.
Thank you.
*Giving levels are ideas of what your donation can do for a San Diego family in need