After hospital staff found drugs in the system of newborn baby Tina from her mother's drug addiction, San Diego County stepped in and placed the infant in a safe foster home. They then reached out to Tina’s father (the parents were no longer together and he was doing well) to see if he would be willing to give Tina a safe, loving home. He immediately said yes but acknowledged he needed help. That’s when he was referred to Home Start’s Community Services for Families Program.
Soon after, Rodrigo enrolled in Home Start’s Parenting Classes and sought to learn all he could. He remained in contact with his San Diego County social worker and began sharing updates on all the lessons he was learning from his Parent Support Partner on how to be a loving, supportive dad. The judge just recently proceeded to give him full custody of Tina.
Rodrigo could not be happier to have Tina home with him now, and he is very excited to help her experience the wonders of her very first holiday season.
Thank you for helping Rodrigo and other parents like him needing support to create a brighter future for their children.
Your gift to Home Start’s Giving Tuesday 2024: $50K Match Campaign, now through December 3, 2024, will provide vital resources to local families needing a hand-up to recover from homelessness, hunger, abuse, unemployment, and other crises. And thanks to our generous partner, the David C. Copley Foundation, every gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to $50,000! That is how we unleash radical generosity!
Thank you.
*Giving levels are ideas of what your donation can do for a San Diego family in need