SDGE: Ways to Save on Your Energy Bill

Ways to Save on Your Energy BillTemperatures are still rising, but your energy bills shouldn’t. Here are a few tips to help reduce your energy use, stay cool and lower your utility bill: 

  1. Are you on the right pricing plan for your lifestyle? Being on the best pricing plan can add up to real savings on your energy bill, especially if you can shift your energy use to before 4 p.m. or after 9 p.m. Learn more at 
  2. Turn off fans when you leave the room. Remember that fans cool people, not rooms.  
  3. While the air conditioning is on, run a ceiling fan too. You can raise the thermostat 4°F while maintaining the same comfort level.  
  4. When it cools off at night, turn off your A/C and open your windows. In the morning, shut the windows and blinds to capture the cool air.  
  5. Place lamps or TV sets away from your air-conditioning thermostat. It senses heat from these appliances, which can cause the air conditioner to run longer than necessary.  
  6. One way to avoid using energy at home is to enjoy being out in the community. On hot afternoons, consider going someplace cooler like the beach, an indoor shopping mall, movie theater or library. Find a Cool Zone near you at  
  7. Wash with cold water. Using warm water instead of hot can cut a load’s energy use in half; using cold water will save even more. As an added bonus, cold water helps your clothes last longer. 
  8. Save energy while you sleep. Recharge your electronic devices while you do the same so your devices will be fully charged when you wake up.
  9. There’s nothing better than walking into a chilled home. Keep it cool by turning your A/C on in the morning and turning it off at 4 p.m. to take advantage of off-peak pricing. 
  10.  By setting your thermostat to 78° or higher (health permitting) between 4 p.m. – 9 p.m., you’ll join fellow Californians in saving money and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

For more home energy-saving tips, visit