Thank You S. Mark Taper Foundation for Supporting our Thrift Boutique

We are thrilled to announce a $30,000 grant from the S. Mark Taper Foundation to provide critical support for our Repurpose for a Purpose Thrift Boutique Social Enterprise.

S. Mark Taper Foundation TY with moms and children

The grant will fund two of our Maternity Shelter Program (MSP) residents to be Lead Sales Associates, wages for additional Maternity Shelter Program clients to receive job training, and general program expenses for enhancing profitability. The recently created Lead Sales Associate positions will be used to model customer service, provide mentor-ship, and generate enthusiasm among other MSP residents gaining employment skills while working in the Thrift Boutique.  

“We’re excited that the S. Mark Taper Foundation has honored us with this donation,” said Tancredi-Baese, Home Start CEO. “The award will truly advance Home Start’s ability to provide services to children living in poverty who require immediate, comprehensive solutions to ensure their safety and healthy development. Working in the Boutique provides these young mothers a lifeline to become self-sufficient.”

Thank you S. Mark Taper Foundation!