A Fresh Start for Jenny, Jeremy, and Vanessa


Jenny and Jeremy were becoming more and more concerned about their daughter.  Six year old Vanessa had become sad, withdrawn, and was even sharing thoughts of giving up on life.

During the pandemic, the family had experienced financial hardship and faced homelessness – bouncing around between friends’ homes and couch surfing. It had been a very stressful time for the three of them and Vanessa’s 2 year-old sister. Both parents were back to working again and had hopes for the future, but they did not know where to turn.

Fortunately, Jenny heard about Home Start’s Behavioral Health Services program.  Our therapists are experts in providing evidence-based therapy to children who have gone through trauma, abuse, and other hardships. Home Start was the lifeline this family needed.

Our therapists determined that Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) would be the best treatment option for Vanessa.  PCIT is a type of therapy specifically designed for parents and young children (2 to 7 years old) who are experiencing social, behavioral, and/or emotional difficulties.

After several weeks of therapy, Vanessa began to show signs of improvement. She was more outgoing and engaged with her family, decreasing her patterns of misbehavior, and no longer sharing about giving up on life.  Her parents joyfully began reporting that her confidence is back.

Today, the family is in the second phase of therapy for Vanessa who continues to make great progress, and they just recently moved into a new apartment. They are also excited to participate in Home Start’s Adopt a Family program this holiday season so that both children will have many toys and smiles to look forward to.

Caring partners like you are ensuring that this little girl and her family will have the resources and hope for a brighter future.

To help more families like Vanessa’s, click here. 

Thank you!