Host Homes

What is Host Homes?

The Host Homes Program at Home Start is a community and volunteer-based response to youth homelessness. The Hosts who participate in this program are adults who open their homes to Youth who are looking for short-term resources and support.

Hosts are provided a monthly stipend to offset the cost of another person in the home, and encouraged to communicate additional needs to the program coordinator during monthly check-ins or Host Support Meetings.

By signing up to become a Host Household, our Hosts commit to providing a safe and supportive environment for the Youth in the program, and allows them a place to feel secure and validated while working with a case manager towards their personal independence and stability goals.


It's been proven that individuals experiencing youth homelessness are best supported in communities where they're comfortable and have ties to the local community. By matching Youth with Hosts in their own communities, Youth are able to have a stable environment while attending school, working, and maintaining and improving relationships with local friends and family.

The Host Homes Program screens, trains, and provides ongoing support to supportive adults who volunteer to open their homes to youth under 24 who are experiencing homelessness. While living in a Host Home, the youth works toward stabilization and self-determination with a case manager.

The goal of this program is to bridge the gap between street and permanent housing by addressing the basic needs of clients, such as food and safe housing, while working towards their own stability goals, such as employment, education, and more. Not only does this program work to build stronger and healthier communities, but we're also dedicated to addressing the negative stigma associated with youth homelessness and putting a human face to this enormous crisis.

host home sharing

The Host Homes Program at Home Start will succeed only because of the involvement and support from community advocates and Host Volunteers. The program and the people behind it have a deep commitment to our communities, Youth success, and social change - not just through the sharing of resources, but through a transformative and personal process of sharing homes and lives.

If you are interested in learning more about the program or signing up to Host, please fill out this Host Interest Form

Click to view the Host Homes Brochure