It's Domestic Violence Awareness Month
And we have an inspiring success story of "Susana," a domestic violence surivivor

Susanna came to Home Start after fleeing from a domestic violence incident in another state. Alone and pregnant in San Diego, she first bounced between hotels and shelters before meeting our Domestic Violence Housing Specialist, Jordan, in March.

Our Housing team immediately helped Susanna move into her own fully renovated unit at Home Start’s new 34th Street property. For the first time, she felt she could relax and focus on caring for herself and her baby on the way. She has greatly appreciated the opportunity to have her own safe space.
In the next few months, Susanna delivered a beautiful, healthy baby boy. He continues to grow so quickly!
Our staff have also helped her press charges against her abuser. Additionally, Susanna meets regularly with her Case Manager to continue working on her goals and attends as many Home Start parenting groups as possible.
As she shared with her Case Manager, “I just want to learn as much as possible to be a good mom for my baby.”

Want to help more children and families like Susana?
Here are three ways you can help:
- Hallo-Wine: Buy a ticket to our Fall Festival Fundraiser. Early bird $90 ticket includes: Admission, a $10 Lyft ride credit, and a keepsake tasting glass.
- School Uniforms A $100 gift card to Walmart, Target, or Old Navy can support a student's school uniform wardrobe for a semester.
- Therapy Session $100 can provide a healing therapy session for a child victim of abuse.
- Amazon Wishlist By purchasing a therapy item from our Amazon Wishlist, you can make a difference in a child's life!