Earlier this year, David and his 2-year-old son, Matthew, were referred to Home Start’s Community Services for Families program.
This young single father has faced many obstacles throughout his life, including years of abuse from his own dad while growing up, witnessing domestic violence committed against his mother by his father, and, eventually, his father abandoning the family.
David found out he was a father last year when Matthew was one year old; the one promise he made to himself and his son was that he would never be like his own dad. He knew he needed help to raise Matthew when the child’s mother left him to parent alone, and - thanks to caring supporters like you - Home Start was there for him.
David works hard with his Home Start Family Support Partner to better himself for his son and continues to excel at improving his parenting skills. He learns and understands more each day about his child’s development and milestones. David is also thriving in parenting classes through Home Start and is enjoying practicing bonding skills with his toddler as they begin this new chapter of life.
David and Matthew are excited to celebrate their first holiday season together by enjoying time with family and viewing holiday lights. They were also adopted as part of Home Start’s Adopt-A-Family Program which will help make their first holiday together a memorable one.
Lastly, when asked what special things David would like for the holidays, he focused only on what Matthew needed with no concern for himself.
We are so proud of all the growth David has accomplished for himself and his precious son with the help of our Community Services for Families program.
Your contributions during our year-end campaign are vital to Home Start’s children and families like David and Matthew.
Please be a part of Home Start’s 2024 life-changing efforts by making a gift today.
San Diego’s most vulnerable children and families depend on the generosity of supporters like you. You can make a difference in their lives by donating to Home Start. Your gift helps us continue to:
- Support our housing programs to keep our clients sheltered
- Distribute critical resources like food and hygiene items
- Provide safe therapy practices and child-abuse prevention curriculum in person and via telemedicine
Home Start needs this crucial funding now to maintain our essential services and keep our clients safe and protected. Thank you for your generous support of Home Start’s life-changing programs.
*Giving levels are ideas of what your donation could do for a San Diego family in need